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I will update this portion of this page as we place dogs

As of August 7:

0/25 placements secured

Hi! Thank you so much for your willingness to help us network the Trinity 33 dogs.


My hope is that with enough volunteers, we can reach at least 100 rescues a day. Of course I appreciate ANY emails you send out. My ask is that, if possible, make it a goal to send 5 to 10 emails a day. If there are 10 volunteers who choose to help, that could be 100 rescues reached per day with this system)


We will get hundreds of “no’s” before we get one yes. That is why your help is so appreciated and vastly important to help network the dogs. I cannot network these dogs alone, and again, appreciate your assistance so very much.


The goal: Collectively that if we continue to be diligent and tenacious, that we find 25 reputable and ethical rescues to take “just” one dog.


I am willing to offer a 100 dollar stipend per dog to the rescue once the dog is surrendered to their care. I am also willing to provide volunteers a “finder’s fee” of 100 dollars per dog once a dog is successfully transferred to another reputable organization. (This will be a 1099 form for tax purposes.)

So, for example, if you are someone who helps successfully place 5 dogs – you would get 100 dollars per dog resulting in a 500 dollar finder’s fee.

This will occur once the dog has successfully been screened by WilsonHaus, approved to partner with this case, and once the dog(s) are successfully and wholly surrendered to said rescue via Ron and Robbyn


I am hoping this incentivizes people to be tenacious and consistent in our search.


I believe that we will have the most success with rescues located in northern states – as almost ALL southern state rescues are already drowning. I think strategically it would be wise to focus on states on the east coast and Midwest, but of course every rescue contacted is a potential “yes.”



Below is the email I typed up as a template, please be diligent in filling in the GREETING and YOUR name before copy and pasting it to rescues.

Please EMAIL rescues, do not use messengers services on Instagram or Facebook. You can use those to ask the best email to write to, but I believe e-mail is most professional and also allows the attachment of our PDF document - which is critical to include.

SUBJECT LINE: Assistance in Texas/WilsonHaus Rescue




My name is YOUR NAME HERE and I am a volunteer writing on behalf of WilsonHaus Rescue, located in Appleton, Wisconsin.

I have attached a PDF file letter from Morgan Van Daalwyk, the founder of WilsonHaus Rescue. In the letter, she explains the circumstances and reason for our networking and for my email today.


We thank you in advance for taking the time to read the letter, and also want to thank you for the work you do in general.

On the PDF, there are links to the Instagram and website of WilsonHaus Rescue as well as Morgan’s direct email contact if you need more information or have any questions.


Sincerely hoping to hear from you,



WilsonHaus Volunteer


 This is important


If a rescue replies to your email with any version of "no," PLEASE take the time to again kindly thank them for their time and wish them a beautiful day.

My email is listed as a contact on the PDF, so if they are interested, please guide them towards that.

Again, a major heartfelt thank you to everyone who is willing to assist us with writing and networking.

It is important we stay consistent, determined, and optimistic. Even a "no" is a good thing because

every "no" is that much closer to a "yes"

We've got this team! Thank you for being here, supporting, and volunteering your time. It truly means the world to have such an incredible group of people stepping up to help.

Love and light,




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Thanks for



1445 Katherine Street

Appleton, WI 54915


WilsonHaus Rescue is a 501c3

non-profit rescue  

EIN: 93-1616658

Have a Question?

© 2024 by WilsonHaus Rescue Inc.

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